PES 2017 Wishlist

PES 2017

Write your wishlist for the upcoming Konami’s PES 2017 football video-game here at FIFPlay.

Write your creative ideas for the next Pro Evolution Soccer game. Show the PES developers at Konami what you would like to see in PES 2017 and what would satisfy you. We will list all your ideas and suggestions for the next version of Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven) here and will try to send them to Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) developers at Konami Entertainment.

Drop your ideas and comments using the form below:

Comments (363)

363 thoughts on “PES 2017 Wishlist

  1. One thing I would love to see in PES 2017 that hasn’t been done since EA’s FIFA 2010 World Cup game on the XBOX 360, is the quick substitution system. When the play time was stopped due to a foul, an offside call, or for a goal kick, the player could press the UP d-pad button and then a small menu/modal would appear that gave you the ability to sub players. The nice thing about it was that the game would not pause. Instead the camera would go into a broadcast mode and it would zoom into individual players, the fans, the managers, etc. It kept you more immersed and made the game feel more real. Also it gave you a very fast method of substituting your players! Very convenient way to make a quick sub.

  2. PES 6 with nowadays graphics and a couple of tweaks here and there. Get it? Thanks and don’t forget to remove through ball spamming, no team in the world plays like that, always bashing overpowered triangle button.

  3. Thanks guys for letting us to say I mean write we think about the game… I dont have to much to say but there is only one thing I would like you to think about it…. I want you to put the girls team in the game like the FIFA 16 cause I hate FIFA but if I wanna play with a girl team where I’m gonna find it??? And guys seriously you must think about the arbitres I hope in the next game I’ll be able to choose one depending to his perormance like severity or weakness…… Thanks

  4. Je joue a PES depuis très longtemps, c’est un bon jeu mais il faudrait ameliorer les commentaires, pour plus de réalisme et moins de répétitions, changer darren Tullet par Pierre Menés par exemple et ensuite comme d’habitude les licences, les stades. Ah oui !! la Bundesliga serait un gros plus pour la série

    Automatically Translated:
    I play PES has for a long time, it’s a good game but it would improve the comments for more realism and less repetitions, change darren Tullet by Pierre Lead by example and then as usual the licensing stages. Ah yes !! Bundesliga would be a big plus for the series
    Thank you

  5. i will not play PES anymore, because…master league is doesn’t make sense, i mean, why barclays premier lague always play at night?

  6. hi pes team and i am a big fan of pes. i started playing from 2010 and till now. there are so many suggestions but i am giving you best to make game greatest
    1-injury-this is most important feature to add why a player can’t injured. add feature like player can injured and out in game and if he will play to much then he can be injured
    2-reactions- add players reactions that when they are not playing what they want to say to the manager. they can show there anger that why i am always out or on the bench.
    3-press-why you lefted this important thing we need press conference in important matches.
    4-commentary-same old dialogues add new things like they say player recent form or last match score or goals by player.
    5-add feature like player warming up for substitution and what reaction we get from substitution bench when goal scored or missed or foul happened.
    6-emotions- show players emotion on red card or anger when they fouled try to beat each other.
    7-show things what is happening like when substitution happening then player will wave hands for crowd and clap.

    if these things will be added then no game is better then pes

  7. Hi konami, here’s my “PES 2017 WISHLIST” in no particular order.
    1.Transfer/negotiation system: please fix or overhaul the player transfer system. Transfers in pes 2016 is very unrealistic. I want to be able to determine how much I want to sell/buy a player and not some scout/agents doing it for me. I’m the manager for christ sake. Plus make the prices more reasonable (not £29.508638 for 80-85 rated palyers), instead let’s have something like (£35.7Million). Plus small teams should find it difficult to sign big name players (I mean 85+ rated players). It’s annoying when teams like Reading, Sporting club gijon and Aston villa trying to sign player like Alexis Sanchez, Danny Welbeck and ozil from Arsenal in master league mode; Sooo not realistic.

    2. Youth players: please konami, implement a proper youth players system not some 30+(example Fraserburgh Campbell, Totti etc ) age players retiring a season before and coming back the next season as a 16 or 17 year old. Create a system to properly generate real/generic young players for your youth team. Here is an idea, instead of the likes of Totti and Co, retiring and coming back as a 16 year old, why not, just before they retire, you as the manager decide to keep them in the club and be able to hire them as ur assistants or coaches depending on their position while they were still playing, (Totti would be a striker coach) while the likes of Huth and John Terry would be defensive coaches at the club where they retired) though there will be an option to fire/replace them based on their performance.

    3. Managers outfit and call name: I know it’s possible to create a manager’s face before starting a master league but I would also like to be able to edit his physique like (height, body type either ‘slim or chubby’ and his nuances) for example; Arsene Wenger with his white long sleeve, red/white stripe tie, navy blue colour jumper and his either black, grey or dark blue suit and for other managers like Jurgen Klopp, i would like to have his famous Track suit. That would be awesome!!!.

    4. Press conferences before and after some big games: As a manager in master league mode, I would like to have press conference meetings before big matches like a derby game or cup final (UEFA C.L, EUROPA LEAGUE etc) and let what happens during the press conference be mention by the commentary team during the game.

    5. Proper injury system: players should not only get injured in “training” all the time. Konami please we want real injuries and to different parts of the body like fractures knee ligament, broken leg, broken toe, ankle injuries, shoulder injuries and other football related injuries. This should also determine the duration it takes for the player to recover .

    6. More animations and “complete” cut scenes:
    Here are some cut- scenes i would like to see in oes 2017;
    -Manager reaction when a goal is scored/conceded and how well/bad his team is playing
    – fans reaction to how well/bad their team is playing
    – real and active substitute bench
    – club doctor rushing into the pitch to help an injured player
    – off the ball animations like players drinking water, wiping sweat from their faces, drawing up their sock, having a conversation with other players etc
    – exchange of Jersey and waves to the fans after a game
    Players going into the tunnel after a match
    – ball boys!, yeah ball boys!!!
    Plus; too many time in pes 2016, the cut scene looks unfinished and please remove those black screens in between play. Make the game seamless and free flowing just like real life.

    Me battery about to die out so i’mma come back with more when me ba3 is charged up.
    I really hope konami will see this and implement it in pes 2017 before the game comes out later this year that would be very awesome!!!!

  8. PES 2016 is the greatest football game ever but could still be better since FIFA 16 is a close second place for greatest football game ever. With these tweaks, PES would blow FIFA away.

    1. Better keepers
    2. Better refs that call more fouls instead of allowing the egregious tackles that they allow now
    3. More Stadiums…Just adding Parc Des Princes, Stade Louis II, Stadio Olimpico, Campo Nou and Vicente Calderón Stadium would make a huge difference. Would be nice to have Estadio Azteca and a few MLS stadiums too (see #4)
    4. Adding MLS would be cheap and effective, Konami used to make an MLS game.
    5. Better graphics. PES already has better player models and better animations than FIFA but when I turn on FIFA they have a higher def, cleaner overall picture with punchier colors. PES looks dull in comparison.

    These five changes would make PES 2017 untouchable.

  9. Number 1 thing have an editor for PS4 so we can edit teams and players on PC then add them to the console Have unlimited slots for kits be able to change kits like shorts and socks. Better atmospheres have the ability to edit almost everything Flags Banners Ad boards Face Packs Boots. Stadium creator have the ability to add National teams. more fonts like Nike Puma etc for kits definitely more balls and get rid of them medicine balls don’t have San Siro on twice AGAIN

    another thing teams that are already in the game like Sao Paolo dont add them in Copa Libertadores just have the teams in Other South America Teams and leave Sao Poalo etc in Brazil league then when they update the Copa Libertadores add teams that are in the new update just like europe ones then if you want to play Copa Libertadores you can just add teams that are in nothing worse when you look for a player and you see Luis Fabiano Luis Fabiano Luis Fabiano type in a players name and you see about 6 of the same player

  10. thank you for a wonderful game
    1 do the real stadiums (camp nou etc etc )
    2 option to create league
    3 real teams (primer league)
    thanks again

  11. – add more depth in transfer/on-loan options – Master League

    – add manager career achievements/highlights/overview/reviews – Master League

    – add a star to emblem after Champions League win – Master League

    – add file import option for crowd chants – Edit Mode

    – add overall (performance) player ranking to get more excitement and depth during Master League before and after announcing the best player in EU – Master League

    – put players on an in-active list when players retire to prevent players come back as a sixteen yrs old version – Master League

    – add adjustable staff (hire, sack) options wich will effect team status and performance (assistant, medic, scouts etc) – Master League

    – add custamizable player masks (Huntelaar, Kane for example) – Edit mode

    – add manager parameters – Master League

    – add pre and post-match interview moments – Master League

    – more smaller stadiums would be nice – Edit mode / Master League

    Looking forward to it! Thanks

  12. Hi,

    Fix the through pass system… too many online player only play counter attacks.
    The goal keepers are pretty bad… too many goal overall.
    Goal kicks are almost a disadvantage because too lumpy and slow.
    Limit the effect of pressing… it makes the game unrealistic.
    Night game per default would also be great in online division.
    More online competition with round robin + knock out stage.
    online division is unbalanced… it does not pay to take lower team and as a consequence all the players pick either Barca, Real or Bayern… a bit too boring!

  13. Firstly, I have been PES for many years now and I have always played it over FIFA, even during the terrible years. I can say that PES 2016 has been an awesome game and I truly have loved playing it.

    1. Improve defense. Too often I am able to just ease by defenders jumping over their tackles and walking by them. Add more tugging and grabbing when playing defenders. Also the defense should track runners during 1-2 pass often the defense doesn’t react to the guy making the run while you close down the ball.
    2. Improve Crowd. I think that if you add the crowd chanting, booing, yelling, and reacting to the game it would make a better atmosphere. The little things like that make the game more enjoyable. If a shot goes wide or hits pole the crowd should yell and also when you slide tackle a player the crowd should yell.
    3. Player customization. It would be nice to be able to add face scans on the players like before, and it would be nice to add tattoos on the arms at least. I think it would be also good to add custom call names for the player so that the commentary can say his name.
    4. Commentary. I must say that the commentary is deeply lacking in content. I have Ibrahimovic on my myclub team and I can’t stress how many times I have hear “IBRAHIMOVIC! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!”
    5. Leagues. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD THE BUNDESLIGA and I wouldn’t mind the MLS.
    6. GK. Please make the goalies much better. If I get 1-on-1 with the goalie is 100% going in. I also score far too often outside the box and I think that should change. Ibra, Benzema, Lewa, and many others score way too often in the game and even though they are good, it doesn’t mean they always hit upper 90. Make goalies ridiculous so that it feels much more important when you score. Too often the scores of my games have too many goals. Should be like 2-1 1-0 games.

  14. Real time atmosphere. like EPL playing at 15:00pm la liga playing 19:45pm and so on……. players award like player of the month…….Ball boy must be added to ease throw-in system…….. Transfer activities must be lowered . lastly…Big match flair. Thanks

    Pre season tournament must be added to raise fund and player improvement……Realistic transfer must be cautioned,players demanding wages,playing time and so on …..Ball Boys must be added…….Carling cup must be included in EPL…….Subs must be active on the bench………Commentary must be unique,active and dynamic. Thanks

  15. I have been playing Pes for near 20 years, i think pes 2016 is a ‘near great’ football game. I could list many tweaks here regarding options and features ( let me pick my own formation in myclub!!! ), but the most important i believe are the following gameplay issues ….

    1- Stamina system – Frankly it is broken, i know the high press is prominent in real life at the minute, but in the game it goes way way too far, the fact that a player can sprint all the time with every player and team (meaning ironically that teams or players who are exceptional in terms of stamina don’t stand out) for 90 minutes without any repercussion pushes games towards that scrappy mindless style too often.

    2- Referees – Again along with the stamina system the broken referees pushes games again in a scrappy direction with little space to play football, people will foul constantly if they can.

    3- Through ball spam, i mean come on lads, i don’t really need to explain this, look at this potentially wonderful game is reduced to by these guys, don’t give them the chance to ruin the spectacle, get the balance right.

    These things have worked a lot better in very old editions of pes, players will take every advantage you give them, but if these things were tweaked then players would very quickly adjust their approach, it would be fairly painless, although one or two might moan in the beginning. But for the vast majority who would like to see organically flowing matches these would be super welcome changes.

    – In an ideal world id also like to see the defensive ai improved, especially when an attacking player is sent manually on a run towards goal, the ai defence just doesn’t respond, couple that with the overpowered through ball and… spam city. I would suggest either giving us better tools to defend this tactic ( perhaps a quick button that would instantly give us control of our deepest lying cb… i don’t know) or else do away with it, let players try and spot ai runs rather than this straight sprint manual run/ott through ball spam binary nonsense.

    I love pes deeply, always have, and have given it a lot of thought, as is my nature, I am the hardcore base. Please consider the gameplay in the knowledge that unlike your testers who probably try and express themselves using all the games tools, folks online will value winning over enjoying the game, if you give these folks the imbalances to exploit… they will exploit them, then a load of others will do it too on a ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ mentality.

    I am sure however that if the the game was balanced so that the most effective way to win was by playing organic realistic football, the vast majority of players would be happier.

    I’m not, of course, saying that there is anything wrong with playing a high through ball or doing a high press, or being aggressive in tackling but the risk reward ratio has got to be looked at. When i play games against friends, who have varying styles, but who naturally seek to imitate what they see in the sport they love in real life, it is an absolute joy. Online in ‘myclub’ or ‘online divisions’ however… can at times be soul destroying, the disappointment fueled by the knowledge of how good the game can be when played in the right spirit. I can’t fix that spirit but you can take away the tools by which these people reduce your fine work to rinse repeat nonsense.

  16. If PES 2017 or any future PES installments could feature classic teams with official licenses, it would be amazing!

    There could be a legends league (international classics and club classics) and it could feature such teams as Brazil 2002, Real Madrid 2003, Arsenal 2003, Italy 2006, France 1998, etc.

    The NBA 2k series implements this very well with classic teams. PES could become the first football game to use such a feature and it would be mind blowing to use Zidane with France, Baggio with Italy, Scholes with Man Utd, etc.

  17. Huge updates to BAL!!!

    * player customization is everything.
    Creating a player with facescan, bigger selection of player names, tattoos option, shinguard and personality options.

    *teammate and coach AI.
    The oppositions AI is good, sometimes to good. To many times has the oppositions CPU been 100% in goalscoring opportunitys.
    Teammate AI has always been poor, realy poor.
    Coach AI barely exists, not during a game or before a game. Many confusing decisions in the starting 11.

    * Teammate-, coach-, agent- and manager relationsship.

    * Breaking records, individual and team. Goalscoring, played games and so forth.

    * Sponsorships.

    * Training options between games.

    * Take away the option to control the defensive pressure of your teammates. The should know when to pressure. I should only control myself.

  18. Fix the goalkeepers.
    Goal scoring is too easy. fix it
    Become A Legend: Player should go through trial matches at the early stages of his life to get the best fit team. Add player agents. Add player sponsors.
    Master League: USe the real market prices for players. Coaches salary should be used known and use it to improve his technical abilities. Add more revenue generation points (like Sponsors to players and clubs).
    Good game but easy to score goals.

  19. fix the keepers they are s*** cant save anything the should be better in 1v1 situations
    i want to se bus and plane cut scenes lol
    more realistic transfers in ml (u have to spend at least 100m to get neymar messi cr7 bale ect….
    more shots and crosses from the ai they dont do it enough
    fix the shooting its too good

  20. i wish for hd quality grass,handball,pes world competion to see who is the best pes game player and i want legends world cup and legends tournaments

  21. i wish to add arabic comment issam chouali or fahd atibi in the next pro evolution soccer

  22. I wish I want Konami to make a few change: -add Turkish,Germany and Egypt league (I heard more fans want add it in PES for a long time ago) -add handball, 3D grass and HD fan/cameraman in stadium -make all national team real face/names
    -add AFC Champions League season 2017 for PES 2017
    -make new WE-PES referee kit
    -add chantpack for almost clubs and national teams
    -update almost national team player faces
    -full licensed for classic teams. Add MLS All-Star in classic team
    -full licensed FIFA Club world Cup

    Move forward Konami for PES.

  23. the player should also maintain the players tunnel , in el classico e.g. modric and Rakitic , neymar and marcelo . and spiler should also keep the child in the hand and shrink with whom I .if in Alianz arena games I also want to see the real player tunnel thanks pes is always better than fifa

  24. Use rey hudson as a commentary..he is the best commentator. Also, make the players reaction to cards less or more depending upon pitch position. Meaning if a player gets a yellow mid pitch he should have a small reaction…if closer to the goal he should protest more. Goal net should be tighter and thicker/whiter net…real adboards. Give us ability to add chants and add own music…more flags on supporter fans sides..need snow…most important use ball boys to give a new ball to players when it goes way out of bounce and stop w the black screen and cut play when ball kicked out…keep flow of match les cut scenes and better flow scenes w reactions and ref actions. Bring tattoos for players adds to realism very much..way better replays and faster replays needed..way too long and too many unecessary replays…ability to mix and match kits like shorts socks shirts…also better more official ref kits…use the third and fourth ref on goals keeping a eye on shots…use goal line technology on close call replays..ALSO VERY IMPORTANT WHEN U PASS TO A PLAYER THATS OFFSIDE AND ANOTHER PLAYER MAKING A RUN THATS ONSIDES PLEASE GIVE THE ABILITY OF THE OFFSIDE PLAYER TO KNOW NOT TO TOUCH THE BALL AND LET IT RUN OR GET OUT OF THE WAY SO THE ONSIDE PLAYER CAN GET TO IT..IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME IN REAL LIFE SOCCER…also ability to pass to team mate directly w the chest if the situation allows it…instead of the workers forking the pitch when it didn’t even rain, have the players out in the pitch warming up like just sof training like passing to each other on their own sides of the pitch…do a coin toss for side picking and who gets ball first…VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE STOP LAG CHEATERS BC THEY RUIN THE ONLINE GAME ESP MYCLUB COMPLETELY…ALSO I WANT TO PLAY GERMANS ITALIANS AND EUROPEANS AND NOT JUST BRAZILIANS AND SPANISH PPL ONLINE ITS ANNOYING BC THEY CHEAT TOO MUCH

  25. •strict referees especially when it comes to the CPU.
    •bring back old way of taking free kicks like the one in PES 2015.
    •stadium settings (allow one to choose weather and time)

  26. Please :

    – stop L2+ y button passes to ronaldo or some other fast players and then just running. it is not athlethics, it’s football.
    – add a market place in my club to buy players which you want. its not fair, if someone has Ronaldo , Messi and Robben and you have tree normal players.
    – eventually snow as weather option
    – more teams of europe. not directly bundesliga but more different teams.
    – check the goalkeepers
    – and finally give us more possibilities to edit 😛
    hope konami read this.
    finally the biggest point for me ist the bad transfer system. i will choose myself the players .

  27. si la chose qui pourrai être grandiose un mode scénario a NBA 2K16 dans PES 2017

    Automatically Translated:
    if the thing could be a great scenario mode in NBA 2k16 PES 2017

  28. Add the African Champions league and more National Teams. For Example Liberia, Haiti ( Qualified for Copa America) and the Bundesliga

  29. Strip selection should be done in the team’s changing room in career mode and the kit should be editable.
    Show goal ratings after every goal for the golden goal.

  30. Hello im Faathir,I just want the soundtrack of this game is include the song of Isyana sarasvati with title keep being you and other Indonesian song only.
    that just what i wish.
    thank you

  31. * body type ( in real life player leg more slim)
    * animation,motion-run
    * one more level harder than superstar, name it realistic and in this level suport pass,shout evrything will tern automaticle in manual setting,
    * in manual level direction off ball not depends only from analog stick, but and from player statsick shoot,pass
    example if player has shoot accuracy 99 then the ball take 99% direction off analog stick.

  32. more cups should be added and improved like the cosafa and should add more of african SADC countries and leagues like namibia for example has tried its best to win cosafa and qualify fo fifa 18 and add women soccer

  33. hello i’m Joseph n am called pax

    all i want to assert is that they should add free roaming

    you should add scenes like what you want to say to teams and fans almost like fifa……..all team like fifa should be there and all kits should be updated and hairstyle should be available for update when a real player changes…..

    messi , ronaldo , neymar and other good dribblers should dribble like the fifa movements and kicking styles………and tricks should be easy like fifa……and goalkeepers should react faster and players without a specific skill should fail to that specific skill they that thy don’t know and should also miss goal opportunities at bad scoring positions…..and should add new creating modes like : boots, stadium, balls, team and new playing style or modes for online (myclub)meaning players should be bought

    game-play should be a bit slow and should add more emotion and also hold shirts at corners shirts can be torn when defenders hold shirts and el clasico should be more realistic……..defenders should be hard to crack………..

  34. – fix the goalkeepers
    – a better stadium atmosphere
    – more and better inlet scenes ( also for xbox 360 and ps3 not just for nextgen )
    – better campain mode ( beeing a player and beeing a coach )
    – more stadiums (e.g. just one stadium for Euro 2016 is poor, don’t have to be things like camp nou but some like the estadio da luz or the estadio do dragao is not ,,occupied” from fifa
    Other free stadiums are e.g. the friends Arena in Stockholm, ernst happel stadium in Vienna , luzhniki stadium in Moscow , san mamés stadium in Bilbao, stadio san paolo in Naples, oaka olympic stadium in Athens, atatürk stadium and türk telekom arena in Istanbul and more are able to available and should be possible for Konami to fit in at least some of the
    – more licenses , I know we all want to play with english and german original leagues ( so as I ) but these two are totaly guarded by EA so Konami should try to fill in other ,maybe smaller leagues licensed like the portugese . Maybe some little leagues like the czech , the greek or the turkish would round the bigger ones up ( especially in the career modes )
    – refine the gameplay a bit ( better than EAs but still not perfect )
    -better be a pro mode ( like those in fifa )

  35. Salut tout monde je suis francais je suis fan de pes mes souhait

    -Gameplay amélioré les mouvement des joueur et plus fluide que fifa et ce raprocher comme la réaliter
    -amélioré le physique du ballon on sans pas la sensation que fifa si.
    _ amélioré la présentation des matches que sa sois comme la télévision avec des présentarion des joeur et l’entraineur et le banc touche
    – rajouter pile ou face qui a balle ou que coter su terrain ,rajouter les secours et le medexin du club ou nationale qui arive pour le joueur blésser
    Voir l’entraineur donner conseille au joueur et le salut quant sort voir le staff de l’equipe
    Mode carrière: amélioré la gestion equipe plus appronfondi possibilité faire planning entrainement la semaine et individueel en fesant des mini jeux.
    Recruter son staff technique comme la réalité
    Possilité de amélioré les struture camp entrainement le stade ou construire un stade ect……

    Amélioré l’emotion des joueur et la texture de la peaux des joueur.

    Automatically translated:
    Hi all world I am French I am a fan of my desire pes

    -Gameplay- Improved player movement and more fluid than fifa and raprocher like Realiter
    -Improves physical without the ball is not the feeling that if fifa.
    _ Improved the presentation of its matches to be like the TV with the Player Characters and présentarion coach and bench
    – Add toss that ball or dimension known terrain, adding relief and medexin club or national who arive for the player hurt
    See the coach give the player advice and salvation fate as see Team staff
    Career mode: improved the management team appronfondi more opportunity to schedule training and week individueel by causing mini games.
    Recruit technical staff as reality
    improved Possilité the struture training camp stadium or build a stadium ect ……

    Enhance the emotion of the player and the texture of the skin of the player.

  36. freekickspray like fifa ,more realistic an
    realistic animation shots like him fifa because the shots is a lot to be powerd next run not ice gen goalkeeper truer player bewegeungen or so. realistic elfmeter starts of not pure as in the previously-engine pes. the third jerseys from all liszenzierten team. the jersey and pants should be much more realistic ausehen not always so falig at the jersey although standing straight and upright and they should blow as if you should play against cpu player like neymar also make him fifa and the pants also more stadium his real skills and spills and each player should the player id solllte be like in pes13 that one such as the spierler the ball Meet and master league should be processed and the defensive acts much more intelligent and the ball physis please edit again and the gate mesh, gate net, gate shape please please please edit thank the Travels should their weight not adapt so thick mänchen as the predecessor eg messi you barely recognized much should masse to the body to the legs did not look good or improve the shot animation skills of cpu also verwänden and skills should also better ausehen the setting should play vorden added more autumn, winter, summer, spring,
    12: 00; 12: 15; 12; 30,16: 00 20:00 21:00 22:00 etc
    chequerboard, karro, lined etc.

    a openworld mode where you driving with your team in the team bus to the stadium and there trainnigs trains stop right training units like the professionals more between scenes as in pes 2013 nba

  37. What Pes 2017 has to have more teams, more stadiums, the referee has to be fixed(for example: some1 tackles a player and it is a foul but nothing given and this has to be fixed) and include that spray that referees use. I think if they fix these things it is gonna be a great game.

  38. *more 3rd kits for all licensed teams,I can’t believe Barca only has two to pick from
    *second option goalie kit,2 goalies on a team usually wear different from the other
    *sports ticker in ML,allows you to see the scores of other games around all the leagues
    *we need more stadiums
    * I know there are alot but I feel konami have the best faces when compared to Fifa
    and they should try and put out as many real faces as they can for all their licensed
    *Crowds and managers need to be addressed,real managers should be added
    and active bench
    *more tunnel entrances and exits should be added,more player interactions
    after games end,shirt trade offs ,handshakes,hugs etc…


  39. -More stadiums or give us a stadium creator
    -a more robust edit mode,no limitations when kit importing,or stadiums
    editing ,open it up and let us go crazy and edit to out hearts content.
    -Commentary and presentation really needs to be better
    -night games graphics need to be improved,i rather play games in the day
    because night games don’t look to good
    -more real player faces,i know that is a lot but would definitely add more
    realism to the game
    -crowds need improvements as well,they look just as bad as they did in 2015
    -try incorporating real managers and cut scenes of them out on the pitch
    -more goalie save animations,when they get scored on and chewing out his
    defense animations
    -A lot more boots,balls, and goalie gloves to choose from,a second option
    for a goalie kit
    -training sessions,like mini games in ML to hone the players skills
    -reward zone to open up and aquire equipment like in Fifa
    -ability to edit players in ML
    -Turkish,Belgian,Greek,and Japanese leagues should be added

  40. Referees should give fouls more often.
    Goalkeepers should have faster reflexes, and should make saves more often.
    Gameplay should be slower with more emphasis on buildup using short passes.
    The overall match presentation should be better.
    The excitement of commentators and audiences should be according to context. Late goals from a team that’s 6-0 down shouldn’t be lauded by either the commentators or the audiences.
    Defending should be improved. Many times attackers dribble through defences without a single tackle.
    COM passing should be made less accurate for the highest difficulty level.
    Licenses for more teams in EPL, if not for the entire league (which is not possible at this time, I guess).
    Improve the crowd graphics and chants. Include more stadia.
    The PC version should be on par with the latest console’s version in all aspects.

  41. Gameplay
    – First touches must be better. Many times the players first touch to the ball is too bad, resulting in stupid losses of the ball.The gameplay must be slower and must be smoother.
    – Faster controls. This was made better from PES 15, but still many times tackles, shots and passes come too late.The player must have real movements,not to skate on land.Gameplay be the same as in Fifa 16 and are very good.Take that model “PES 2017 Gameplay leaked!!! (NEW INSPIRED … – YouTube”
    – Fouls should be given more often. When in PES 15 the referee might have been too strict, in PES 16 the referee is usually too lenient and some clear fouls are not whistled. Of course in real life many fouls are not whistled but this happens too often in PES.
    – Shooting should be less accurate. Many times it feels that the shooting is too accurate and it is very hard to miss the goal “by a mile”.
    – AI. AI must be fixed in many ways (CPU AI + your own team’s AI). AI should cross more often and shoot more often and be much more diverse. Your own team’s AI should make more intelligent runs (not waving his hand when he is offside).
    – More variations for the gameplay. Shirt to take off (yellow card), handballs.Better Gk.
    – Even a bigger variety of animations.
    – A more diverse commentary. More player names, more history of the games and teams to be told etc.
    – Defenders to be automatically at corners, not having to choose them manually from the game plan.

  42. The gameplay must be slower and must be smoother, with less accurate passing.The player must have real movements,not to skate on land.Gameplay be the same as in Fifa 16 and is enough !

  43. 1.Fix the goalkeepers.Goalkeepers should be good in one-on-one.
    2.Shots are too overpowered.Reduce chances of long range shooting into the goal.
    3.Bring back old freekick and penalty system.No dotted lines.
    4.Improve commentary,match presentation and crowd chants like in a televised soccer match.Show reactions of fans when their team were beaten or leading.
    5.Slower gameplay.No more easy through and long balls.
    6.Aggressive defenders and the refeeres should give more fouls and cards.
    7.Improvements in ML.Managers should only manage one national team or one club.No double management.Give the ability to talk to the press.Criticism about our management from fans and critics.Give advice on players to mark,tactics and points to earn for ucl/uel qualifications before a match.
    8.Real player faces.Licenced all player faces in bpl.
    9.Real scoreboards and adbords for uel,copa libertadores,copa sudamericana and recopa sudamericana.
    10.Include all licenced and specific generic stadium for all teams participating in ucl.Include uefa super cup stadium as well.
    11.Fully licenced brazillian league with stadiums,scoreboards and adboards.
    12.Ps4 and Xbox1 graphics for PC.
    13. Newer license such as international champions cup or afc cup.Include asian leagues as well.
    14.Improvements in BAL.More story like being in a top form and slump.More achievements to get like the clubs all-time leading scorer.
    15.More celebrations like pulling of shirt celebration.